Friday, June 6, 2014

Angela Maria 1955

Angela Maria may be considered the first of the 'new breed' of Brazilian female singers that appeared in the early 1950s. 

We could roughly say there were 3 previous waves. At first there were the lyrically-inclined singers from the turn of the century. Then, as of 1930, with the advent of recording music there were Carmen Miranda, Aracy Cortes, Aracy de Almeida and others. 

In 1939, Carmen Miranda left Brazil for the USA and a new generation of female singers reigned like Dalva de Oliveira - the best of all - plus Emilinha Borba and Marlene towards the end of the forties.

Angela Maria appeared in the horizon circa 1951, but became really popular circa 1954. These photos taken in early 1955 show her introduction to Carmen Miranda, who was eager to know new faces. 

Carmen Miranda holds Angela Maria affectionately in January 1955, when she last visited Brazil. Carmen would die 7 months later, in August of 1955. 
Revista do Radio February 1955.
Angela at Radio Globo wearing the same neck lace as when she met Carmen Miranda. 
Angela Maria on the cover of a 1959 'O Cruzeiro' which sold 800,000 copies weekly.

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