Sunday, December 28, 2014

1 9 5 9 in review in S.Paulo

7 February 1960 - Mary Wynne gives a preview of the most popular São Paulo's Night Life Acts of 1959:  most voted amog local attraction: Maysa, Leny Eversong, Agostinho dos Santos, Isaura Garcia & Angela Maria; most popular international attraction: Nat King Cole, Domenico Modugno, Sarah Vaughn, Billy Eckstein & Lonnie Sattin; best combo: Robledo, Vadico & Odylon, Allen Hugo, Fred Feld Trio, Breno Sauer; best pianist: Fred Feld, Pedrinho Mattar, Robledo, Moacyr Peixoto e Walter Wanderley; best musician: Paulinho Nogueira, Nicolau, Breno Sauer, Gafieira e Delfi Core; female singer: Marta Janete, Iris Donath, Maria del Carmen, Clea Soares, Cecy Amarilis; male singer:  Hugo Santana, Caco Velho, Vadeco, Orlando Ribeiro, Tony de Matos; plus the best barman e best chefe.
18 February 1960 - Mary Wynne reveals the list of  best night-life performers of 1959: national attraction: Leny Eversong (Michel, Oasis); international attraction: Nat King Cole (Fasano); musical combo: Vadeco-Odylon (Baiuca); pianist: Fred Feld (Michel); musician: Paulinho Nogueira (Captain's Bar); female singer: Maria del Carmen (African ); male singer: Hugo Santana (Chicote); barman: Jorge (Othon); Maitre D': Fritz (Zillertal); chef: Carlo Ferrari (Don Frabrizio).
21st February 1960 - Mary Wynne shows a snap-shot of combo Vadeco-Odylon: from left to right: bassist Sabá AKA 'Lucia'; pianist Plinio, the 'clown'; Odylon (crooner-rhythmist) and Vadeco (clarinetist-cum-romantic-crooner). The drummer is missing. These guys have played at A Baiuca for 12 months but will start at Hotel Jaraguá's Stadium as of March 3rd.
27 March 1960 (Sunday) - The night OESP columnist Mary Wynne delivered Sacizinhos to the best night-life performers. Here Miss Wynne (on the right) gives Leny Eversong her 1959 Sacizinho for best national attraction at the Hotel Danubio gala. The guys in white suits are part of the Vadeco-Odylon combo (best musical combo). Mary herself writes about it:

Domingo, a cronista que ocupa essa coluna Carrossel, Mary Wynne, distribuiu mais uma vez os já tradicionais 'Sacizinhos' aos melhores da vida noturna de São Paulo. Desta vez, a festa que tomou maior amplitude foi realizada na boite African, do Hotel Danúbio. Numeroso público ali compareceu para participar da festa, que contou com a colaboração das casas noturnas de S.Paulo, com o fornecimento de bebidas e demais acessórios.

Cerca das 19:00 horas, o mestre de cerimônias, cronista Egas Muniz começou a chamar os premiados. Um a um compareceram ao palco: melhor chefe de cozinha: Carlo Ferrari; melhor maitre d'Hotel, Fritz Bear, do restaurante Zillertal; melhor barman: Jorges Moutatoff, do Othon Palace Hotel.

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